If this section doesn’t answer your questions, please contact us through e-mail or 610-526-0600.
• check disk space
Font Box does not check the amount of disk space required for the duplicate fonts. Please make sure you have enough space available.
• check RAM
For performance, Font Box stores all data in RAM. The default setting of 2000k can handle 2500 fonts.
If you receive an ‘Out of Memory’ error, increase the Preferred Size by 1000k for every 1000 fonts.To change Font Box’s settings: click on the Font Box icon in the Finder and select Get Info from the File Menu. Enter the new size in the Preferred Size text box.
• check directory structure
Font Box may crash if the Volume being analyzed has a corrupt Directory structure. Try running your favorite Disk Repair utility. If you don’t have one, run Disk First Aid which is on the Disk Tools floppy disk or System CD.
• font folders not deleted
If ‘Don’t move fonts to the Nonessential folder’ is not checked, Font Box will attempt to delete a folder after moving the fonts out of it. The folder will not be deleted if any files other than Fonts are present.